Changium IPiosa: most magical change IP packets in the wild

August 9, 2019 5:00 PM

In our talk we will present some of the most ecsotic 'Change IP' packets for PLCs from various ICS protocols and investigate into why each vendor chose to implement it in one way or another. Furthermore, we will show how one can easily detect, prevent, and be protected against these change IP requests with applying custom snort rules.

Speaker Information

Panelist Information

Sharon Brizinov


Sharon Brizinov is a security researcher at Claroty and is responsible for finding new attack vectors in the ICS domain. Brizinov has 6+ years of unique experience with network security, malware research and infosec data analysis.

Tal Keren


Tal Keren is a security researcher at Claroty. Tal is in charge of finding new ways to enhance and develop protection and defense mechanisms.